


The Gospel in Four Minutes

God is Dead – Spoken Word

A Day in the Life

Experience a day in the life of a Roman Catholic Priest, Fr. John Muir.

Lost Generation

Teasing – Stope the Epidemic

Relationship – A Crucifixion Type Love

What if Jesus had a twitter – Easter

Planet Earth the Way It Should Be – Kindness Boomerang

Pentecost in 2 minutes

The Book of Acts in 3 minutes – hilarious

Pro Infirmis Get closer

Pro Infirmis conducts and experiment: there are only a few people who don’t have empathy with disabled people.  Nevertheless, the passenger seat in the public bus next to Fabian often stays empty.  Handicapped people are a regular part of our society.

So get closer.


Sons of Korah

The group Sons of Korah sing Psalms to brilliant music.  They have a study section which gives detailed description to the meaning of the Psalms.


Michael Leunig


Defend the Faith

This is and interesting website that explores the prominent questions that resound with lay people in the Catholic Church.  A lot of great responses to key questions that the Knights of the Southern Cross have researched and promote.


Archdiocesan Office for Youth

Has resources available to set up youth groups or to help in developing faith in particularly areas.  An excellent resource.

Ordo App

Paulist Press App for The Order of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist 2013.

Australian Catholics

Australian Catholics is a great resource for teachers and has many newsletters, worksheets and units that can be used in a wide range of areas.  Even in Science and Math!

Australian Catholic and Marriage Council

Has a great Valentine’s Day kit for schools as well as information for getting married in the Catholic faith.  Some great resources for frequently asked questions to do with family life as a practicsing Catholic.


 footprints prayer



How to prepare for and celebrate a Catholic Advent

Mary’s song – The Nativity Story (Amy Grant Breath of Heaven)

Mr Bean – Nativity Scene

The Advent Story reinacted by New Zealand children – Beautiful!


Judas – a text thought to be lost forever.

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