External Links

Interesting Websites

Illich is known for his radical critiques of modern institutions from the perspective of the under-priviledged. In keeping with its general message, his Deschooling Society, published by Marion Boyars, appears from time to time on the internet in bootleg editions. See the external link at the bottom of this page: Wikipeadia entry.


Curriculum & Syllabus

NSW K-6 English Syllabus

ACT Curriculum Framework

Australian Curriculum

Australian Curriculum English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Teacher Resource 2012

Australian Curriculum: Learning Area: English: how are EAL/D learners being catered for?

The Shape of Australian Curriculum December 2010

English Teachers Response to the Australian Curriculum

SA DECS Learner Wellbeing from Birth – Year 12

NT Teaching and Learning Framework

NT Curriculum Framework

NT Curriculum Framework Introduction to the English Learning Area (2009)

NT Curriculum Framework Introduction to English as a Second Language (2009): Note “that all educators in NT schools are responsible for meeting the language learning needs of the ESL students in their classes.”

The Northern Territory’s Year 10 Curriculum

NT Remote Schools Curriculum and Assessment

Early Years Learning Framework (National)

National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools (2005)

National Education & the Arts Statement Australia 

Statements of Learning for Civics & Citizenships (2006)

Global Perspectives: A framework for global education in Australian schools (2008)

National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework (2009) Australia 

Singapore English Language Syllabus 2010 (Primary & Secondary)

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

The International Baccalaureate (IB)

National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education

South Australian Certificate of Education

Teaching Resources

Innovative Teachers Companion

NetLogo “cross-platform multi-agent programmable modeling environment”

WolframAlpha computational knowledge engine

Online backup



Sustainable Energy & Teaching

Educating for Sustainable Future (Australian Government)

Language Education

National Statement and Plan on Language Education in Australian Schools

Professional Standards & Pedagogy

National Professional Standards for Teachers draft (2010)

National Professional Standards for Teachers website final 

Queensland Department of Education’s Productive pedagogies reflection tool

Innovative Schools & Ideas

Phillips Exeter Academy

Harkness Tables


Australia National Numeracy Review Report 2008

Professional Development

Learner.org an American Educational website with a wealth of instructional videos covering teaching professional development and exemplary classroom practice (across major areas)

Lesson Plans & Posters

Maths, English and Science (AUS,UK, NZ) Boardworks

TES largest network online Teaching resources in the world!



Leadership lessons from dancing man


Tuxpi Photo Editor

Excellent photo editing tool.  It includes all the general photo editing tools as well as the ability to make Wanted and Motivational posters.

Special Needs

Autism : Stephen Wiltshire draws Rome from memory

: Savant Autism the boy with the incredible brain    

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