

Students that underperform in reading (Years 4-9)


Sindre et al.’s contribution to the 1993 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages: Onion Graphs: Aesthetics and layout 


Creating Websites

Year 8

This web address offers some great activity sheets particuarly in Cover Work for Mr Gasnola and Web Design 

Use these ideas below as a basis of web design:

Designing Principles:

Contrast: background and text, font size, pictures sizes etc

Repetition: repeating elements with a purpose (repeating the same font colour to attract the user)

Alignment: decisions about where to place the main heading and sub headings (also all over the layout)

Proximity: balance and white space – graphics and text

Design Process


Devising: own design – trying different fonts – annotation why they selected the font, collecting pictures, paper draft layout

Producing: real production stage that should link to their draft design

Evaluation and making changes

9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design

The Language of Film

Flm, lighting, camera shots, music, sound, editing, colour

Roald Dahl

Dany 4

Dany 5











Roald Dahl Official Website




Bleezer’s Ice Cream by Jack Prelutsky Poem

Bleezer’s Ice Cream is an excellent exampe of alliteration in poetry.  Great for kids as well.

Also in a song:

Natalie Merchant – Bleezer’s Ice Cream

A newsreport about an icecream truck that has started to use the flavors from Bleezer’s Ice Cream

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