Students that underperform in reading (Years 4-9)
Sindre et al.’s contribution to the 1993 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages: Onion Graphs: Aesthetics and layout
Creating Websites
Year 8
This web address offers some great activity sheets particuarly in Cover Work for Mr Gasnola and Web Design
Use these ideas below as a basis of web design:
Designing Principles:
Contrast: background and text, font size, pictures sizes etc
Repetition: repeating elements with a purpose (repeating the same font colour to attract the user)
Alignment: decisions about where to place the main heading and sub headings (also all over the layout)
Proximity: balance and white space – graphics and text
Design Process
Devising: own design – trying different fonts – annotation why they selected the font, collecting pictures, paper draft layout
Producing: real production stage that should link to their draft design
Evaluation and making changes
9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design
The Language of Film
Flm, lighting, camera shots, music, sound, editing, colour
Roald Dahl
Bleezer’s Ice Cream by Jack Prelutsky Poem
Bleezer’s Ice Cream is an excellent exampe of alliteration in poetry. Great for kids as well.
Also in a song:
Natalie Merchant – Bleezer’s Ice Cream
A newsreport about an icecream truck that has started to use the flavors from Bleezer’s Ice Cream